Thursday, April 3, 2008

Westwood College for Interior Design

I just bought a Mac notebook brand spankin' new, my first ever, this is extremely exciting you have NO idea. My soul purpose for buying one was to have it for school. I have been looking into several schooling options, different careers, and feel as if I have confirmation from God, its Interior Design. I began to look through different colleges, and I found Westwood inquired and today I have my last meeting with them, perhaps to begin in just little over 2 weeks for schooling. Its a three year degree and they work around my work schedule. (!!!) I will write more later about Westwood and explain things, but for now... I'll leave it at that.


Katie said...

Hello dearest, how are you? Wow! I thought you'd put aside a career!? But that is so neat that you're going to be an interior designer... So, how's the courtship going? Any "news"? I'm so happy for you. God is good :) I love you--have a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

awesomeness!!! Are you taking the classes at the Atlanta campus or online?
stephanie somarriba