Thursday, November 8, 2007

Tread onward.

Today my post is simple, for I am simple minded today.
Simply I'm in a season of waiting for the Lord's Will to be revealed.
My questions that I seek to have answered would those be pertaining to schooling.
Should I go to school? Would it be a good financial desicision?
If I do decide to go to school, should I quite working, or work part-time?
What would be the reasoning for me going to school?
How Might I use my "furthered education" to serve the body of Christ?
I have so much to ask. I need so much guidance. Thankfully I don't feel overwhelmed.
I am content (suprisingly) to be where he has me, and its been such a joy!
My parents have been used as a wonderful means of wisdom and insight in this area.
I'm so grateful for how they invest in my life! And the interest they take in my future.
My patience in this waiting season is mainly due to the fact that it has been modeled
for me through my parents. Even as we sit to talk through future plans they continue
to remind me that these plans are not "my" plans they are all the Lord's. This is such
a helpful reminder! I can get ahead of God by planning "my" future. That I lose sight
of the Bigger picture, its "His" plans and always has been. He has so much more for
In store for me, a greater calling.
We'll see what happens in the days to come, weeks to come.
Please keep me in your prayers. (Oh how I need them!)