Thursday, November 8, 2007

Tread onward.

Today my post is simple, for I am simple minded today.
Simply I'm in a season of waiting for the Lord's Will to be revealed.
My questions that I seek to have answered would those be pertaining to schooling.
Should I go to school? Would it be a good financial desicision?
If I do decide to go to school, should I quite working, or work part-time?
What would be the reasoning for me going to school?
How Might I use my "furthered education" to serve the body of Christ?
I have so much to ask. I need so much guidance. Thankfully I don't feel overwhelmed.
I am content (suprisingly) to be where he has me, and its been such a joy!
My parents have been used as a wonderful means of wisdom and insight in this area.
I'm so grateful for how they invest in my life! And the interest they take in my future.
My patience in this waiting season is mainly due to the fact that it has been modeled
for me through my parents. Even as we sit to talk through future plans they continue
to remind me that these plans are not "my" plans they are all the Lord's. This is such
a helpful reminder! I can get ahead of God by planning "my" future. That I lose sight
of the Bigger picture, its "His" plans and always has been. He has so much more for
In store for me, a greater calling.
We'll see what happens in the days to come, weeks to come.
Please keep me in your prayers. (Oh how I need them!)


Katie said...

I love how you were simple minded--I need more of that thinking! My prayers are definitely with you... God is so amazing how he knows just what we need and gives it to us just when we need it most... Praise Him!

Delian said...

I haven't been on here since June...
: O

Andrew said...

Hi Courtney!

Good post... and very good questions. I just decided to go back to school (I've been working in my Dads business for the past year) though, I'm sorry to say, my thought process for doing so probably wasn't nearly as good as yours will be :)

Anyways, are you the one on the right or left of your profile picture? If your the right I know I've at least seen you before at some SG event... left I'm not sure... but anyways, I'm a long time friend of Del, which is how I'm here.

- drew

Courtney said...

Hey Drew,

Its wonderful to meet you! Thank you for your encouragement, the Lord is most certainly good far more good to me than I deserve!

I am the one on the right, what conference did you think you've seen me at? Perhaps New Attitude?!

What type of Business does your dad run? I'm quite interested in entrepreneurship. And love to learn as much as I possibly can pertaining the subject.

Tell me a little about yourself if you don't mind. Do you attend a SG church and if so where? My dad is the Senior Pastor of the SG church in Athens Georgia. We planted the church here about 6 years ago.


p.s. your welcome to ask me questions in return!

Andrew said...

Yes, now that you mention it I was there, so that's probably it. This is a wild guess, but you were never at any of the Covenant Fellowship youth camps were you? For some reason I thought it was there. But now that you say it, it could very well have been NA.

My Dads business is an Alternative Energy heating business... basically we sell anything that will heat your house without using fossil fuels or electricity Wood; corn; grass; pellets; chicken litter (believe it or not). So this is the busy time of year for us because everyone needs to heat there house.

My Dad has always been and entrepreneur as long as I can remember. He started as a computer analyst way back in the day when it actually took an expert to turn a computer on. Since then, we've done a bunch of different things. And for the past couple of years its been alternative heating appliances and its been going real well, and I hope it continues to do so because we have been through some real ups and downs in the past three years .

We do attend Sovereign Grace Church... thats complicated. We do, but we have been on a leave of absence for a few months due to some unfortunate events... and its all really hard to explain without making people who don't deserve to be thought badly of be thought badly of... so I guess for now I would have to just say we don't, but we did for a long time and Sovereign Grace still has a very special place in all our hearts.

So... I guess that wasn't really about me specifically... but this is already way to long so it can wait : )

Ummm questions...

Do you know the Cornfields from when they lived in Atlanta?

Do you have a Southern accent ; )

Courtney said...

Thanks for such a detailed responce!

Covenant Fellowship Youth retreats? Hm... I went to T2... did you go to that?

So do you like working for your dad? Have the ups and downs been in reference to finacial difficulties? If so, I can completely understand an unstable working enviroment.

Well thank you for being careful for how you present those (who you obviously love and want to care for) by not giving me the wrong impression of their character.

To answer your Q's:

1. No I sadly did not know the Cornfields when they lived in Atlanta, we didn't move here until about 6 1/2 years ago. We planted the church here. Originally we came from Orlando, Florida at Metro Life. I actually have not had the priveledge to meet the whole Cornfield family, just Del. We met a few months ago at the Clash and became quick friends... actually we met first over facebook and then at the Clash.. kinda odd I know, but it was a good starter for a basis of a relationship with her :)

2. Hm... do I have a southern accent? Probably. I wouldn't say I do in comparison to the southerners I live with down here in the dirty south. ha but most my northern friends would say I have a pretty distinct accent. You should prob. ask Del on this one ;)

Andrew said...

The dirty south? lol,

Yeah, I do like working with my Dad, though lately it's been so busy that I'm honestly getting kind of tired... but I guess its good business so I can't really complain : )

Yeah there were some real financial hard ships for a while and some relational difficulties with this guy we worked with... but thats mostly past now (I hope) and even though it went on for a while I think it at least in some ways strengthened my faith... though I can't recall seeing it that way at the time. But anyways yeah... thats pretty much the story.

haha, this guy named Matt that works with us is from a Soveriegn Grace Church in florida and he says the same thing about his accent... I don't think he has one though... and one side of my family does live in the South, and they have some pretty serious ones... so I probably wouldn't think you did.

Anonymous said...

I have found you in the blog world.

I have a really good friend who was facing that same decision, and is in the steps of going back to school. I pray that the Lord will guide you where his will would have you!

I love you girl!
-ang :-)