Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Dwell upon the Eternal

At this time and place in my life, I can be so easily distracted, so "ADD"... grr... I'm so aware that I need to drop everything I'm in the midst of, everything I hope for and surrender it to Christ.
I'm at that weird stage where... once an adolescent... now adult. So I am constantly surrounded by worldly confusion that clouds my vision from seeing the bigger picture, and I get stuck in a "me" state, and truthfully its hard to get out of.
For example: My heart's desire would be to be a wife, a mom, but its not the time. So When these things come up and draw my attention from BIG to small I need to dwell upon this:
Pursuing God whole-heartedly, rather than pursuing a Relationship. Being intentional and Purposeful with time spent with family & friends. Keeping God at the center of all my conversations, being purposeful with service, with my quite time, accountability, Fellowship. I need to remember that Satisfaction is and can not be found in marriage in and of itself. It can only, only be found in Christ, and in Him alone. Pursue God; find peace. Pursue God; find infinite joy. Pursue God; find a patience to wait for HIS will to come about.

It is my joy to wait, and an absolute gift to pursue God.

" Lord, please grant me the grace to awaken with a desire to pursue you with all that I am, and with a recognition that I lack SO very much. I don't want to come to you to get something in return. I want to come expecting to receive nothing. I want to come on my hands & knees."

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