Monday, November 10, 2008


Just to bring some clarification to my last post, I neither wrote this work to provoke argument, nor bring greater division, nor to remotely speak out against Obama (which if you re-read my post I think you will see that I never once mentioned the election nor any candidate, so please do not assume) . My primary focus in my note was to describe to my fellow believers what I am only now beginning to fully grasp, and that which, the election has helped to bring to light personally, individually to me, We have great work to do.

The election was not the beginning of this great evil I see in our country, it started thousands of years ago, and it is still the same thing. Sin. But what I thought I had communicated fairly clearly was the fact that we as believers have been content to do little things instead of great things. We have been content to live in comfort instead of doing "Hard things". We have been content with sitting in the shadows instead of spreading "the light of the Gospel".

I believe that God will use Obama despite what we may agree and or disagree with him on. I know I am called to respect his position over me as an authority that the Lord has placed in my life, and I know that the Lord is sovereign over all things. So I do respect Obama, and I will pray for him, and I will continue to put my faith & trust in God alone, and not in man or man's so often contradicting opinions and belief systems that fail time & time again.

I believe more than ever God will pour his Spirit upon His people and this nation. I am already seeing this at work in our own church and I am excited and expectant to see what the Lord has for all our futures.

I have not lost hope. More than Ever I see hope through the darkness. Jesus is coming and my prayer, plea, and the cry of my post is to not waste your life on the notion that what you hear is what you should believe. Test it! Live for it! Fight for it!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Yes, "all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to his purpose." So comforting... God's got a plan :) Love you and hope you are well in body and spirit!