I need to get a few things off my chest.
I am sickened by those who believe without testing.
I am horrified by the ignorance of Americans.
I am struck to the core when i hear Christians are failing to live what they say they believe.
I am disappointed in inconsistent thought, in a government and a people who have forgotten on what our country was founded, on how easily we sway and base everything on our emotions, or relativistic ideas.
We once were a strong united nation.
We now stand divided by parties, races, religions.
We once had at least some concept of morality.
We now are a country who desire the very things
our forefathers saw as immoral. The killing of innocent children, gay marriage... etc.
We once were a country somewhat founded on religion.
A trust in God. But we have taken all thought of God out of schools,
out of the Allegiance, and more importantly out of our hearts.
Without Him (God) our country stands divided.
Why does this shock me so much that our country is falling apart? Perhaps I believed that there were more righteous men seeking after the Lord than there are. This election has brought several things to light for me: (1) America is a battleground for unbelievers, we need our primary focus as believers to be here in our own neighborhoods & towns. This is were God has called us to be, and this is were we can make the biggest impact. As those around us observe how we live our lives. (2) We as Americans have become lazy, not caring to challenge things and dig deep for the facts. We are too easily swayed by words and opinions of others. We need to stop adapting, and start being Revolutionary. (3) We have become a nation that wants change, is looking for change, but has the wrong concepts of what kind of change we actually need.
We need change of heart, mind, body and soul, we need a Savior America. May God save us! May we be named His children that His grace may fall upon us as a Country, as a people, as a nation.
Christians now is the time for us to start standing (if you aren't already), and to go against the ebb and flow of the world. To stand on the rock of Christ and speak loudly and clearly, there is no time, we must be bold! I know my Lord is near, be ready, do not waste your time!