Thursday, April 5, 2007

Frying Orange Chicken is dangerous

Taylor Battaglia ( ok... and Johnmark ) invited what was left of the Cooke Family ( Me, Dad, Christopher, 'n Caleb [since mom, Emma, 'n Noah are in St. Augustine for their Spring break]) over for dinner last night. Taylor kindly let me help cook dinner with her. So we ran to Kroger picked out what was needed for this particular recipe she was making, and came home like crazy mad women and made the marinade for the chicken thighs. After waiting 30 min. we dipped the thighs into egg whites and then into some cornstarch/flour/salt combination and deep fried them in Peanut oil.

We completely burnt the crap out of ourselves.

Apparently the Peanut oil was... well... lets just say it was hot, really hot. Now both of us have little red scares pretty much everywhere, considering we basically threw the chicken thighs into the oil and both of us were wearing shorts... with flip flops, yeah... bad combination.

We screamed, made a HUGE mess, no seriously we did... burnt things, overcooked the broccolii like ALOT... and laughed till our sides hurt. It was a grand adventure, and hey the dinner was fabulous! Men ate all of the chicken, when Taylor and I were thinking, Holy cow this is wayyy too much chicken. God is good even in the little things like cooking Orange Chicken for dinner, HAH! thats too cool.

1 comment:

a suburban housewife said...

So funny. I can totally picture y'all doing this! Love you Coat-Knee!